čeština english

For women


Stop for a moment and breathe into the new life

Daily circulation - family, work, self-realization; thousands of visible and invisible tasks and number of roles, which society requires from women today is a heavy burden, and often does not leave time to take care of herself. This vicious circle makes it impossible to stop and to take a deep breath, realize who I am, where I go and what I actually want. Many put off taking care of themselves due to various "important" and "urgent" things to "some other time".

The result of this vicious circle is poor diet, health complications, discomfort, loss of vitality, and self, which is ultimately reflected on the family and the self satisfaction and her life.

Babiččina Terapie uses the most efficient links and traditions of physical and mental therapy of different cultures from all over the world. It provides you with the opportunity to return to your "self" and regain your feminine power.

Using a comprehensive approach Babiččina Terapie enables profound physical, mental and emotional relaxation, which triggers self-healing and regenerative processes in the body, and also supports internal harmonization and the joy of life.

Do not delay care for yourselves to "some time later"! Relieve the stress and get back your inner strength and harmony of your body and soul.


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