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Sunday meetings with the therapists - Active meditation


Already this Sunday, the 8.9. at 11 am there will be another meeting hosted by our therapist Leela, this time on the topic -

active meditation
The effective synergy of movement and meditation

If we want to get to know and live our life fully, we need to recognize our potential. This brings us to meditation.
It is said that in the old days, the days of the Buddha, the was no need for active meditation. People were simpler, more authentic, they were more in touch with nature, and lived sincerely. Nowadays full of pressure, claims, unsupported habits and relationships we often live less truly and less truly act. When we are angry, we express understanding, we smile when we would better cry. We often play games with ourselves and with those around us.

Active Meditation techniques include exercise and relaxation. Relaxation comes after our bodies actively (movement) release accumulated tension, stress and discomfort. Just a  seating sessions usually does not help. All internal stresses will move, overwhelm our mind, our attention. It is necessary to transform these internal pressures to get into a natural state of relaxation, because true meditation comes in a state of maximum relaxation and inner peace. Our intention is centering the body and mind, relaxation and subsequent opening of the blessed state of meditation.

Take the comfortable light clothes, preferably a shirt to change into.
We look forward to meeting you!

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